How to Manifest Your Dreams 

I have been manifesting for over a decade and I’m grateful enough to have lived to see my dreams come true ,So today, I would love to share my best tips for manifesting ,How to manifest your dreams, your goals and anything you desire, Let’s define what ” manifesting” is to me manifesting is process of aligning your energy, your intentions ,and your very being to reality that you desire in order to attract that reality to you and make it come true. The underlying concept is the law of attraction. Which I’m sure you’ve heard of by now but it’s the concept that energy attracts like energy attracts like energy “meaning” you are constantly attracting you reality based on what your energy and your intentions are. First off ,if you want to manifest effectively you need to understand the power of focus. So this means that the more you’re able to focus on what you want and know exactly what you want then the easier and faster that manifestation will come to you. take some time to reflect on what it is you truly want . Do you really want this thing? whay do you want this thing and what is that thing? Get really clear and specific and as detailed as possibleabout your goals , about what you want to become your reality. The more you know all the details, the more you’re gonna be able to attract that reality to you.